Evolution of Chinas Industrial Structure Based on Output-Input Association
Sun Zhaoyong1,2,Ren Baoping1
1.School of Economics and Management,Northwest University,Xian 710127,China; 2.School of Economics and Management,Xian University of Technology,Xian 710054,China
Abstract:The qualitative analysis of the input-output and the dynamic evolution characteristics of the network model can describe the evolution characteristics of industrial structure based on graph theory from the perspective of comparative static and dynamic characteristics respectively.Based on Chinas industrial structure-based tree in 1995 and 2010,the paper analyzed the changing characteristics of Chinas industrial structure and estimated the dynamic evolution of Chinas industrial structure of the network in 15 years based on actor-oriented network evolution model.The result shows that although Chinas economy has made great achievements,no change happened in the key productive sectors.And agriculture,forestry,animal husbandry,fishery and mining industry,and the chemical industry still lie in key position in the industrial system;Chinese industrial structure has been improved,industrial chain has been extended,department correlation has been deepened,and ripple effect of industry sources has effected related industries significantly
孙赵勇,任保平. 基于投入产出关联的中国产业结构演化特征分析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2014(12): 56-61.
Sun Zhaoyong,Ren Baoping. Evolution of Chinas Industrial Structure Based on Output-Input Association. , 2014(12): 56-61.
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