Abstract:Through using qualitative research methods combined by longitudinal study,content analysis and interviews on the three macro government policy making processes in internet of things (IOT) industry in China,how governments to make strategic emerging industry policies was discussed. We have the following results: the governments divide the policy-making processes into several sub-processes,within which,some micro-level decisions are formed and implemented during the interactions;and these interactions play the roles from four aspects,including information acquisition,action coordination,action commitment and policy commitment
史俊,田志龙,谢青. 政府如何制定战略性新兴产业政策——以物联网产业为例[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2015(1): 11-16.
Shi Jun,Tian Zhilong,Xie Qing. How Does Government Make Policies for Strategic Emerging Industry ?. , 2015(1): 11-16.
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