Comparing Efficiency of University Technology Transfers:Evidence from Chinese and U.S.University Patents
Ye Jingyi1,Yang Yang1,Han Jiawei1,Li Chenle2
1.School of Economics,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China; 2.School of International Studies,University of International Business and Economics,Beijing 100029,China
Abstract:This paper compares the efficiency of university technology transfer in China and the U.S.from the perspective of patent applications and grants,licensing ratio,licensing income and cost-benefit analysis.We find that during the sample period,the amount of university patent applications and grants in China exceeds that of the U.S.,while the ratio of patent licensing and licensing income of the US universities are far higher than those of Chinese universities.However,Chinese universities have a better performance when the indicator is the percentage of income compared to total research expenditure.We contend the factors that determine the efficiency gap include the expenditure of research and transfer,human resources,and the incentive systems
叶静怡,杨洋,韩佳伟,李晨乐. 中美高校技术转移效率比较——基于专利的视角[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2015(1): 150-155.
Ye Jingyi,Yang Yang,Han Jiawei,Li Chenle. Comparing Efficiency of University Technology Transfers:Evidence from Chinese and U.S.University Patents. , 2015(1): 150-155.
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