Innovation Path Selection of SMEs Based on Ability-Efficiency Evaluation
Xie Jialong1, 2, Mu Renyan1, 2, Yang Xiaoxuan1, 2, Ding Zhuo1, Zhang Jixin3
1.School of Management, Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430070, China; 2.Center for Product Innovation Management of Hubei, Wuhan 430070, China; 3.School of Management, Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan 430068, China
Abstract:Based on interpreting the dual relevance between innovation ability, innovation efficiency and innovation path of SMEs, this paper constructs the innovation ability “Diamond Model” and applies TRIZ theory to design the evaluation index system including five dimensions and four levels.It uses the gray relationship and compound matter-element to estimate the innovation ability of 19 typical SMEs empirically.Then, combining with the “Dual Link” characteristic of innovation value chain, this paper designs the two-stage index system, and utilizes chain link DEA model to calculate the knowledge innovation efficiency, achievement transformation efficiency and comprehensive innovation efficiency in turn.Based on the ability-efficiency combination matrix composed of ability and efficiency, it designs the corresponding innovation paths to intensify advantages and makes up weaknesses of 6 clustering distributions.The paper is aimed at providing a scientific and effective selection criteria and process for the innovation path implementation
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