Abstract:With the panel data of 31 provinces during 2005—2011,from the whole and the range of province perspectives,this paper uses spatial constant coefficient model and spatial varying coefficient model to explore the influencing factors and spatial difference of high-tech industry development.The result shows that the development of the industry is influenced by industry capital investment,human capital investment,regional factor endowment structure,regional opening degree,natural resource endowment and R&D intensity.The industries have great spillover effect and different provincial development patterns.On the basis,corresponding development ideas are put forward
张鹏, 李悦明, 张立琨. 高技术产业发展的影响因素及空间差异性[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2015(6): 100-105.
Zhang Peng,Li Yueming,Zhang Likun. Study on the Influencing Factors and Spatial Difference of High-Tech Industry Development. , 2015(6): 100-105.
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