Abstract:This paper used super-efficiency DEA model to measure the inclusiveness growth efficiency and its driving factors under the restriction of CO2 emissions in China during 2000—2012,on the basis of environmental production function and environmental directional distance function,treating CO2 emissions as the desirability output in production theory.The results showed that the inclusiveness growth level in China kept improving,but the inclusiveness growth efficiency under the restriction of CO2 emissions varied slowly.For the east region,no matter under the restriction of CO2 emissions or not,government policies had the most important effect for inclusiveness growth efficiency.For the middle region,the most important one was government policies under the restriction of CO2 emissions,and FDI investment was the most important effect under the non-restriction of CO2 emissions.For the west region,FDI investment was the most important effect under the restriction of CO2 emissions or not.At last the paper gave some suggestions based on these conclusions.
徐盈之,王书斌,魏莎. 碳排放约束下中国包容性增长效率研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2015(7): 100-105.
Xu Yingzhi,Wang Shubin,Wei Sha. Efficiency of China's Inclusiveness Growth under the Restriction of CO2 Emissions. , 2015(7): 100-105.
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