Abstract:One of the main objectives of Chinese outward foreign direct investment(OFDI)in developed countries is to acquire strategic assets,which is considered as an important way to elevate Chinese firms self-innovation ability and global competitiveness.However,as indicated by many failed cross-border acquisitions,most Chinese firms failed to improve innovation ability through such OFDI.One important reason is the lack of effective knowledge transfer process after the investment.Therefore,this paper analyzes this process and builds a comprehensive knowledge transfer framework from a dynamic perspective.We hope this could shed new light on how to effectively manage knowledge transfer process for Chinese multinationals.
贾镜渝,赵忠秀. 中国企业跨国知识转移过程研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2015(10): 74-79.
Jia Jingyu,Zhao Zhongxiu. Study on Knowledge Transfer Process of Chinese Multinationals. , 2015(10): 74-79.
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