Abstract:In this paper,Kaplinsky Upgrade Index and the Export Technical Complexity Index are calculated to demonstrate the upgrading trend and the current position of China's robot in the global value chain.Firstly,there were 13% of China's exported robot upgraded,and the other 3% of products degraded from 2010 to 2013.Secondly,although China's Export Technical Complexity Index of robots is on the rise, it is still lower than the indexes of the United States and South Korea,indicating that China's robots are still at the low-end of the global value chain.Thirdly,in terms of the export price index,the intermediate goods of China's robots are still remained at the relative low-end compared with the developed countries.Fourthly,the positions in the global value chain of the 7 categories of China's robots are different,and 3 categories including multifunction robots are higher than the others.Fifthly,the South Korea's robots are outstanding in the global value chain,especially the electrical resistor robot for auto line.China's robots industry should learn from the successful experience of South Korea,after successfully embedding the global value chain system relying on the low-cost advantages,timely shifting to advantage of scale economy,and ultimately climbing to the high end value chain
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