Abstract:Based on the theory of technical innovation and industrial upgrading,the eclectic theory of international production,the paper used the balanced index and Spatial autocorrelation,and it took Chinese companies' direct investment in the United States as an example to analyze the spatial variation of ICT industry.Conclusions show that the subjects of direct investment of Chinese ICT industry mainly are private enterprises.It is unbalanced that the Chinese ICT industry directly invested in the US.Generally,direct investment amount and project number shows in the discrete state;On the whole,Chinese ICT industry direct investment is concentrated in the West Coast region,the Great Lake and the distribution is similar to the main distribution area of USA ICT industry.Therefore,enterprises should choose investment destination based on its own business development,external resources and market needs.
刘婷,陈瑛. 中国ICT产业对美国直接投资的空间分异及时空演化[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2016(5): 149-153.
Liu Ting,Chen Ying. Spatial Differentiation and Spatial Evolution of Chinese ICT Industry Investment in the United States. , 2016(5): 149-153.
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