Abstract:This study summarizes the two results of the open state of national innovation system:open national innovation system(ONIS)and national open innovation system(NOIS).Then it gives a review of the two kinds of NIS' characteristics,especially on the NIS innovation evolution paths from the main body and subsystems of NIS respectively.The influence factors during the evolution process are finally researched.The results shows that the open research of NIS is still in its infancy,lacking of the system and the measurement on openness of NIS
崔新健, 章东明. 国家创新系统的开放性研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2016(6): 5-10.
Cui Xinjian, Zhang Dongming. A Review on the Openness of National Innovation System. , 2016(6): 5-10.
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