1.School of Business and Administration,Shanxi University of Finance and Economics,Taiyuan 30006,China; 2.School of Management Science and Engineering,Shanxi University of Finance and Economics Taiyuan 030006,China; 3.School of Economics and Management,Northwest University,Xi’an 710069,China
Abstract:This paper focuses on entrepreneurial lifecycle and divides business incubation process into budding, growth and maturity stage, and then builds a system dynamics model of aging chain and co-flow based on three order delay. The results show that increasing resources investment in business incubators alone can effectively promote the number of incubated companies, but fail to bring significant benefits for business incubators. Further, this study finds that optimizing the investment ratio can enhance the performance of business incubators more effectively on equal resources, and the rational allocation of resources is more effective than simple expansion when business incubators’ resources are divided into survival, growth and value-added three types. Finally, this paper provides countermeasures and suggestions for the problems of resource allocation in different processes of business incubation
裴梦丹,张宝建,孙国强,齐捧虎. 基于系统动力学模型的企业孵化过程研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2016(8): 64-70.
Pei Mengdan,Zhang Baojian,Sun Guoqiang,Qi Penghu. Process of Business Incubation Based on System Dynamics. , 2016(8): 64-70.
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