Effect Mechanism of the Dynamic Capacity on CoPS Project Organization
Song Yanqiu1,Lu Ziye2
1.School of Management Science and Engineering,Central University of Finance and Economics,Beijing 100081,China; 2.Peking University of HSBC Business School,Shenzhen 518055,China
Abstract:This paper investigates the mechanism of project organization characteristics,in the mediating of dynamic capacity,effects on the project benefits in Complex Product and Systems(CoPS).By using survey data of 209 project teams,this paper gives empirical test for the relevant assumptions.It is revealed that dynamic capacity plays a partial mediating role between project organization characteristics and project benefits.In a hierarchical mediating effect model,normalization affects technical effects& economic benefits by mediating effects of dynamic capacity.Connection has a significant influence on project benefits;meanwhile,the dynamic capacity plays a mediating role between connection and project benefits.Centralization affects social benefits directly by itself and indirectly by production flexibility.These obtained conclusions have an important significance for advancing the project organization governance theory and improving the practice of product management in CoPS
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