Abstract:Focusing on the 17 Japanese Nobel Prize Winners in natural sciences in the 21st century,this article analyzed their average age when they received the prize,made their awarded achievement and obtained their professorship respectively,and compared them with those of the Nobel Prize Winners from 1901—2016.The results showed that the average age when they received the prizes was 68 years old,the average age was 40 years old when they got their main achievement and they obtained senior academic title when they are 43.35 years old.It was averagely 28 years after they achieved the breakthrough when they received the prize.Learning from Japan's experience,scientific research would benefit from setting the title of“emeritus professor”in Chinese universities,allocating more resources to young scholars around 40 years old and an average age of 45 years old for the promotion to senior academic titles.On the other hand,it is inappropriate to set grand targets like“30 Nobel Prizes in 50 years”as Japanese government did in 2001
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Zhou Cheng. Japanese Nobel Laureates in Natural Sciences and Its Implications to China. , 2016(12): 128-133.
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