Abstract:Government funded research crowdsourcing(GFRC)is non-periodic prize system which collects high-tech achievements in order to solve a specific problem.The biggest function of GFRC is to lead to innovation and financial support.The system design elements of GFRC include the target of the public,the scale of the participants and the team cooperation.The operation mechanism of GFRC includes call for proposals-financing mechanism,participants incentive mechanism,and achievement“exit-coupling”mechanism.Because of GFRC entrance open to the whole society as well as its results awarding subsidy,when implemented in China,we need to reduce the repetitive work,and try to choose a small pre-investment,lower risk of project
曾婧婧. 国外政府资助型科研众包研究综述[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2016(12): 147-153.
Zeng Jingjing. A Review of the Research on Foreign Government Funded Research Crowdsourcing. , 2016(12): 147-153.
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