Abstract:The strength of the spatial spillover effect of innovation is closely related to the proximity between different regions.The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effect of spatial spillovers on the innovative capacity of 30 provinces in mainland China(except for Tibet)from 1998 to 2013 by constructing the spatial autoregressive model.In particular,this paper examines in detail different kinds of proximity by combining the usual geographical proximity with the economic,technological and transportation proximity.The empirical results show that:the effect of spatial spillovers on regional innovation is very important and significant;each kind of proximity plays a significant role in promoting the spatial spillovers.Transportation proximity outperforms the rest,followed by the technological proximity,and then the geographical one,the least important role is played by economic proximity.Then,all provinces in China need to pay full attention to enhance regional innovation by taking advantage of the spatial spillovers when implementing the strategy of innovation-driven development.Furthermore,according to the different kinds of proximity,all provinces in China can formulate specific innovation policies to better absorb the spatial spillovers from other regions
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