Dynamics of National Technological Catching-up and Reasons of the Differences of Catching-up Performances
Zheng Changjiang1,2,Xie Fuji1,Cui Youxiang3
1.Antai College of Economics& Management,Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai 200052,China; 2.School of Humanities and Social Science,Shanghai Institute of Technology,Shanghai 201418,China; 3.Business School,Shanghai Dianji University,Shanghai 201306,China
Abstract:There are two clues to identifying technological catching-up at general level,the first is based on growth accounting technology,and the second is based on the concept of innovation from Schumpeter.Two methods are developed to identify technology-gaps and technological catching-up based on the two threads.Dynamics of technological catching-up are mainly divided into four major types:economic convergence,advantages of latecomers,institutional transitions and technology transposing.Both economic converge and advantages of latecomers are technological catching-up dynamics based on group decision,institutional transitions and technology transposing are technological catching-up dynamics based on individual decision.Explanation of different countries' performances of technological catching-up are based on three basic hypothesis:Dynamics of technological catching-up based on group decision have more influence on catching-up preferences than dynamics of technological catching-up based on individual decision;There are competitive relations between different countries;The more institutional difference with the leading country,the higher cost of institutional transitions will be.
郑长江,谢富纪,崔有祥. 国家技术赶超动力机制与赶超绩效差异的原因分析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2017(2): 38-43.
Zheng Changjiang,Xie Fuji,Cui Youxiang. Dynamics of National Technological Catching-up and Reasons of the Differences of Catching-up Performances. , 2017(2): 38-43.
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