Abstract:By collecting data related to industry-university-research institution cooperation,FDI and innovation,the paper uses static and dynamic spatial panel econometric models,to investigate industry-university-research institution collaborative inside spillover,FDI outside spillover,and space spillover effects about 30 provinces regional innovation in China during 1999—2014 based on the geographical and socio-economic features.Research shows that:①The geographical characteristics and characteristics of social economy has a significant positive space spillover effect,the weight of human capital of social characteristic has the largest impact.②FDI has a significant negative spillover effect in the short term,while a significant positive spillover effect in the long term.③Industry-university-research institution collaboration has a no significant positive spillover effect in the short term,while a significant positive spillover effect in the long term.Government and financial institutions has different effect on collaborative innovation between short term and short term.④industry-university-research institution spillover effect is more than that of the FDI.There is a positive interaction between them,three kinds comprehensive spillovers effect is positive.⑤Environmental factor such as system has a significant positive effect on regional innovation.
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