Abstract:The traditional theory of patent has been unable to describe the present economic and social changes in patent situation and trend.In order to reveal changes of patent landscapes and business model in modern technology conditions,comparative analysis of patent landscapes and development analysis of patent theory are adopted.The findings are as follows.Patent applications and issuing is surging.Patent thickets problem has emerged.Patent portfolio and technology integration is becoming more important in various industries,which leads to patented business model innovation and change.Patent alliance emerges and becomes an important business strategy.Patent litigation evolves from means of self-protection into a specialty profiting model.The patent operating company appears and shows a strong vitality.Conclusions provide some theoretical basis and practical guidance for inventors to utilize patents.
张军荣. 专利态势变化下的专利商业模式创新[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2017(3): 95-101.
Zhang Junrong. Business Model Innovation Under Situation and Changing Trend of Patents. , 2017(3): 95-101.
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