Does Elements Spatial Spillover Increase Farmers' Income?——Based on the Analysis of 649 Micro Data from 3 Provinces
Yao Zengfu1,Tang Huajun2
1.Foreign Trade Department,Guilin University of Aerospace Technology,Guilin 541004,China; 2.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning of CAAS,Beijing 100081,China
Abstract:This paper analyzes the elements spatial interaction spillover effects on the differences of regional farmers' income,by constructing multilevel spatial interaction model.It uses 649 micro data of 15 villages in Hunan province,Heilongjiang province and Gansu province.The results show that the elements spatial interaction spillover effects of education,labor,physical capital and social capital within the group have a significant positive influence on the differences of farmers' income.Variation levels of labor,physical capital and social capital factors are obvious in the villages.The farmers' income levels of“adjacent”villages have a significant negative effect on farmers' income level other villages,indicating that elements flow between villages are blocked.Villages environmental element strengthens the positive influence of the labor element spillover to farmers' income levels in the group,and weakens the positive influence of physical capital and social capital elements spillover effects to farmers' income level.Villages' economy element weakens the positive influence of the labor element spillover to farmers' income levels in the group,while strengthens the positive influence of physical capital and social capital elements spillover effects to farmers' income level.The relationship between the spillover effects of labor,physical capital and social capital within the group and farmers' income level in villages is respectively explained by villages environmental element and villages economy element in 11.15%,50.06% and 11.15%
姚增福,唐华俊. 要素空间溢出能提高农户收入吗?——基于3省649户微观数据的分析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2017(3): 163-170.
Yao Zengfu,Tang Huajun. Does Elements Spatial Spillover Increase Farmers' Income?——Based on the Analysis of 649 Micro Data from 3 Provinces. , 2017(3): 163-170.
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