Construction of Innovation Ecosystem and Its Theoretical Framework Based on Bibliometrics
Li Chunfa1,Tao Jianqiang1,Sun Leiting1,2
1.School of Management,Tianjin University of Technology,Tianjin 300384,China; 2.Service College,Naval University of Engineering,PLA,Tianjin 300450,China
Abstract:Based on the principle of data visualization,the paper took the 605 literatures in the field of “ innovation ecosystem ”as the sample from CNKI database.The paper adopted geographic location visualization,periodical word cloud visualization,literatures visualization,hierarchical interactive visualization methods to review the status and problems of innovation ecosystem,and generalized the research hotspot,and summarized the key factor of innovation ecosystem and characteristics.The results indicate that innovation ecosystem is an adaptive System.On this basis,it assumed that innovation ecosystem had life cycle,adopted project processes management theory,analyzed and built innovative ecosystem framework.Then it illustrated the mutual operation of the mechanism at all stages of the innovation ecosystem.It has a certain instructive to the innovation ecosystem practice
李春发,陶建强,孙雷霆. 基于文献计量学的创新生态系统脉络梳理及理论框架构建[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2017(4): 35-39.
Li Chunfa,Tao Jianqiang,Sun Leiting. Construction of Innovation Ecosystem and Its Theoretical Framework Based on Bibliometrics. , 2017(4): 35-39.
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