Abstract:The paper is based on theories about distributed innovation,collaborative innovation,knowledge collaboration and information space.It combined with the platform foundation,operating mechanisms and operating objects systematic logic of the Knowledge Collaborative Space of Distributed Innovation Networks.This paper introduced a model of the Knowledge Collaborative Space of Distributed Innovation Networks,and analyzed the component system,process system and performance system theoretically.Furthermore,based on relevant researches and the analysis of core functions and object mechanism of Distributed Innovation Networks,this paper introduced a concept of operating carrier of Knowledge Collaborative Space of Distributed Innovation Networks,and a model of interaction between knowledge collaborative processes and the carriers.The composition and function of the mechanism carrier and technical carrier were also discussed
杨 坤. 分布式创新网络知识协同空间的系统模型及运行载体探析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2017(4): 40-47.
Yang Kun. System Model & Operating Carriers of the Collaboration Space in Distributed Innovation Networks. , 2017(4): 40-47.
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