Abstract:The EU S&T policy began in 1980s,which has played an important role in improving the competitiveness of European society.Now the 8th EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation has implemented RRI into the policy,so as to achieve the value transformation of S&T policy from economy-oriented to playing a high value on responsibility.At present,the transformation of the EU S&T policy and its practical experience can provide us with some useful policy references
薛桂波,赵一秀. 基于“负责任创新”的欧盟科技政策转型及启示[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2017(4): 172-177.
Xue Guibo,Zhao Yixiu. Transformation of EU S&T Policy Based on RRI and Its References to China. , 2017(4): 172-177.
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