A Comparative Analysis of The Service Supply of Knowledge-Intensive Business Services and the Development of Pharmaceutical Industry in China and America
Wu Lihua1,Wang Xincheng1,Yin Xunian2
1.School of Economics and Management,Southeast University,Nanjing 211189,China; 2.School of Economics,Shanghai University of Finance and Economics,Shanghai 200433,China
Abstract:In this paper,We divides the KIBS into professional-based knowledge-intensive business services(P-KIBS) and technology-based knowledge-intensive business services(T-KIBS).Then we compares the backward linkage ratio between pharmaceutical industry and two types of KIBS in China and America.The results show that the backward linkage ratio between pharmaceutical industry and two types of KIBS in America are significantly higher than that of China.In P-KIBS.The backward linkage ratio between pharmaceutical industry and business services is significantly higher than that of China;In T-KIBS,the backward linkage ratio between pharmaceutical industry and R&D services is significantly lower than that of China,whereas the R&D intensity of American pharmaceutical companies is far higher than that of China.The development model of pharmaceutical industry in China and America have significant difference.In America,the R&D of pharmaceutical industry is oriented by companies and companies pay more attention to the service which support the process of products marketing,while in China,the R&D of pharmaceutical industry is dominated by research institutions,and the companies pay more emphasis on promoting the fruit of research institutions to business transformation
吴利华,王新澄,尹徐念. 中美知识密集型服务供给与医药制造业发展的比较分析[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2017(5): 180-185.
Wu Lihua,Wang Xincheng,Yin Xunian. A Comparative Analysis of The Service Supply of Knowledge-Intensive Business Services and the Development of Pharmaceutical Industry in China and America. , 2017(5): 180-185.
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