On the International Competitiveness of China's Nuclear Power Technology Patents
Jiang Jiani1,Wang Can2,Zhai Huanhuan3
1.Center for International Economic and Technological Cooperation,Ministry of Industry and Information Technology,Beijing 100846,China; 2.School of Environment,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China; 3.Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 102488,China
Abstract:Through the use of patent search and analysis method,the paper studies the global patent trends of nuclear power technology in the major countries,and makes a comparative analysis on nuclear power technology patents of other nuclear power countries and China in the main international nuclear power market.It is helpful to understand the present situation of the international competitiveness of China's nuclear power technology,and provide reference and specific recommendations to enhance the international competitiveness of China.The core conclusions include:In recent years China has made rapid development in the field of nuclear power technology,and the market potential is huge;China lacks enough efforts in patent application abroad of nuclear power technology;facing a tight patent layout in the world by international nuclear power giants,the development of China's nuclear power technology is being in a huge pressure.The corresponding recommendations include:strengthening the nuclear power technology innovation;establishing the comparative analysis of nuclear power and the early warning mechanism of infringement risk;increasing the overseas patent layout of nuclear power technology;actively participating in international cooperation in the field of nuclear power technology
蒋佳妮,王 灿,翟欢欢. 中国核电技术专利国际竞争力研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2017(6): 92-100.
Jiang Jiani,Wang Can,Zhai Huanhuan. On the International Competitiveness of China's Nuclear Power Technology Patents. , 2017(6): 92-100.
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