Abstract:This paper firstly selects seven environment emissions from 1994 to 2012,to set up an index system of comprehensive environmental pollution,and gets the score of comprehensive environmental pollution.Then it tests the Environmental Kuznets Curve between the comprehensive environmental pollution and median of per capita disposable income with the help of the quantile regression method.The conclusions can be drawn as follows:there is an inverted u-shaped curve between the environmental pollution and the economic development,and the inflection point of curve is located in 14500 Yuan.When at 0.25 site,there is a linear relationship between environmental pollution and economic development,when in 0.5 site and 0.75 site,there exists an inverted u-shaped EKC relationship between environmental pollution and economic development.ARMA model predicts that China's environmental quality would reach a steady state after 2022.Finally this paper puts forward some suggestions from government,enterprises and research institutions according to the conclusions
王元地,王国蒙. 环境综合污染程度与人均居民可支配收入关系的EKC验证[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2017(6): 145-152.
Wang Yuandi,Wang Guomeng. Re-test of the Environmental Kuznets Curve Between Comprehensive Environmental Pollution Degree and the Per Capita Disposable Income. , 2017(6): 145-152.
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