Abstract:This paper outlines the management structure of China-EU S&T cooperation and finds that China-EU S&T cooperation has gradually developed from some specific projects to all-round cooperation.Guided by EC-China S&T Agreement,China-EU S&T cooperation institutionalization has formed a Steering Committee as coordination and three main cooperation research areas.This paper gives a brief historical analysis on the development process of the China-EU cooperation management system,dividing the whole process into three stages:centralized management,many-headed management and coordinated management.The improvement of the management model can integrate the existing resources and make the cooperation more effectively and equally.China-EU S&T cooperation in the EU RTD Framework Programmes plays a very important role in bilateral S&T cooperation.The number of cooperation projects,funding and participations have experienced a massive increase since FP4,and have a breakthrough progress according to the new Co-Funding Mechanism in “Horizon 2020”
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