Abstract:To restart nuclear power plant projects in China,a better understanding of public risk perception is conductive to risk communication and stability of social environment of the projects.This article analyzed the factors including trust,emotions and information acquisition affecting the public risk perception of nuclear power plant projects based on the risk perception theory,and used structural equation model and hierarchical regression to demonstrate the function mechanism of the variables and relevant theoretical hypothesis.The results showed that the trust of media government expert and enterprise didn't have direct effects on risk perception;the negative emotions had positive effects on risk perception and the trust negatively regulated the relationship between negative emotions and public risk perception;the information acquisition had positive effects on the trust,but it was not obvious as for the effect on the negative emotions
宋艳, 孙典, 苏子逢. 核电站项目公众风险感知的影响因素[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2017(7): 143-152.
Song Yan, Sun Dian, Su Zifeng. On the Factors of Public Risk Perception in Nuclear Power Plant Projects. , 2017(7): 143-152.
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