Collider:Physical Progress or Criticism?——The Dispute of“Big Science”Projects in Basic Physics from the SSC and LHC Projects
Liu Yiming,Lai Yanru
1.School of Humanity and Sciences,National Univercity of Defense Technology,Changsha 410073,China; 2.Political College of National Defence University,Nanjing 210000,China
Abstract:There is full of contention research project interests,the size of the scientific dispute,cognition and dispute in SSC and LHC projects,which eventually led to the application of the different fates.As the increasingly close ties between science and technologe and society,the depth and breadth of public participation in science continue to expand,and even have a significant impact on the scientific process.From SSC and LHC projects,the paper analyzes dispute in“Big Science”projects of the basic physics,and puts some suggestions.
刘一鸣, 赖燕茹. 对撞机:物理学的进步或诘难?——从SSC、LHC看基础物理“大科学”工程的争议[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2017(9): 16-22.
Liu Yiming,Lai Yanru. Collider:Physical Progress or Criticism?——The Dispute of“Big Science”Projects in Basic Physics from the SSC and LHC Projects. , 2017(9): 16-22.
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