Abstract:Based on the integrative perspective from knowledge management and entrepreneurial management,we investigate knowledge intermediaries how to support the combination and exploit of knowledge source,also how to drive entrepreneurial capacity matched with entrepreneurial process,during the entrepreneurial life cycle of new technological venture.Firstly,we describe the importance of knowledge management for new venture and knowledge intermediaries features.Then,we provide a concept model about the knowledge intermediaries’service throughout the entrepreneurial process.From the knowledge-based view,we analyze the features of knowledge management and entrepreneurial capacity in the different phase of entrepreneurial process,and also the support service mode of knowledge intermediaries.Our research reveals the important role of knowledge intermediaries to enhance knowledge management efficiency and drive entrepreneurial capacity.
李文鹣, 耿菱怿, 梅强, 李文元. 科技型新创企业创业过程中知识中介机构服务模式研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2017(9): 78-85.
Li Wenjian,Gen Lingyi,Mei Qiang,Li Wenyuan. Service Mode of Knowledge Intermediaries Throughout the Entrepreneurial Process of New Technological Venture. , 2017(9): 78-85.
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