Abstract:Based on the 104 cities of the Yangtze River Economic Belt with 2001—2013 panel data and the influence of urbanization,industrial development,service industry development and other factors,the influence of fiscal decentralization and institutional quality on urban sprawl in China is studied.The major findings of the study are summarized as follows.Firstly,the institutional quality is an important factor to promote the spread of China’s cities.Superior system environment has more advantages in attracting foreign investment and agglomeration of population,which leads to the expansion of urban size faster than the speed of urban population expansion.Secondly,Fiscal decentralization curbs the rapid spread of the city,meaning that fiscal decentralization effect is greater than the land in the urbanization of population urbanization,namely the fiscal decentralization of population agglomeration effect is greater than its expansion effect on land.Thirdly,urbanization,industrial development and service development are the driving forces for the rapid spread of cities in China.On the basis of this,the paper puts forward to control the rapid expansion of the city is an important realistic problem that needs to be paid attention to in the process of urbanization and economic development of China in the future.
李强, 左静娴. 财政分权、制度质量与城市蔓延——来自长江经济带的例证[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2017(9): 123-130.
Li Qiang,ZuoJingxian. Fiscal Decentralization,Institutional Quality and Urban Sprawl——Examples from the Yangtze River Economic Belt. , 2017(9): 123-130.
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