Abstract:Based on team learning behavior perspective,this research explored the mechanism of the team heterogeneity on team creativity under team identity,and built a conceptual model.Hierarchical regression analysis was deployed to analyze the data survey from 71 knowledge teams.The results show that:①Knowledge heterogeneity has positive impacts on the team creativity,work value heterogeneity has negative impacts on team creativity.The heterogeneity competition based on the interaction negatively affects team creativity.②Team learning behavior has mediated the impact of team heterogeneity and team creativity.③Team identity positively moderates the relationship between team heterogeneity and team creativity.
陈文春, 张义明. 知识型团队成员异质性对团队创造力的影响机制[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2017(9): 178-185.
Chen Wenchun,Zhang Yiming. Effects of Team Heterogeneity on Team Creativity:The Mediating Role of Team Learning Behavior and the Moderating Role of Team Identity. , 2017(9): 178-185.
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