Reflection and Prospect of Chinese Standard Copyright:From the Perspective of Multi-Dimensional Standard Property
Lan Qi1,2, Liu Jin3
1.School of Management,China University of Mining and Technology(Beijing),Beijing 100083,China; 2.China Special Equipment Inspection and Research Institute,Beijing 100029,China; 3.China Commodity Coding Center,Beijing 100013,China
Abstract:For a long time,there has been a lot of controversy on the issue of standard copyrights between the theoretical and practical circles.This paper analyzes the standard property from the dimensions of history,international and copyright,and points out that China's“mandatory standards”and“recommended standards”belong to scientific and technological works and are not classified as laws and regulations.They should be protected by copyright law.This paper from the copyright law of the classification of works,considers that the standard should belong to the special work created in the course of employment.Then the copyright should be owned by the government standardization management department,while standard drafters have the right of authorship.In the future,drawing on the experiences of foreign models,government should gradually abolish the standard drafters signature system,and further expand the scope of free open standards
蓝 麒, 刘 瑾. 中国标准著作权的思考与展望——从多维度下标准的属性出发[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2017(10): 129-134.
Lan Qi, Liu Jin. Reflection and Prospect of Chinese Standard Copyright:From the Perspective of Multi-Dimensional Standard Property. , 2017(10): 129-134.
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