International Comparison on Offshore Wind Power Technology Policy
Zheng Yu1, Zhang Huiming1,2
1.School of Economics and Management,Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology,Nanjing 210044,China;
2.China Institute of Manufacturing Development,Nanjing 210044,China
Abstract:This paper employs an X-Y dimension framework to compare the OWPT policies in China,the US,the UK and Germany.The study results show that:Through the investment and existence of a number of demonstration projects,there is a noticeable lack of technological-talents training,patent application and protection;For the upper industrial chain,there is a lack of effective regulations;For the downstream industrial chain,R&D of energy storage technology and the mechanisms for post-project evaluation are embryonic;the focus is on trans-departmental and enterprise cooperation at the neglect of inter-enterprises or inter-industries cooperation.Simultaneously,there is no clear division of responsibilities amongst functional departments
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