Weak Signals Model for Detecting Emerging Technologies
Dang Qianna1,2
1.School of Economics and Management,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China;
2.Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of Shanghai,Shanghai 200031,China.
Abstract:In recent years,the weak signals of emerging technology has gradually gotten attention.The paper introduces four weak signal models:Ansoff model,Futures signals sense-making framework(FSSF),“edge-seed”foresight model of BMBF,New and Emerging Signals of Trends(NEST)of KISTI,and analyzes their characters.The main structure of each model basically follows three layers.The construction of wide-caliber horizontal scanning system and integrated research method system are becoming the direction.Therefore,it is necessary to bring weak signals into emerging technology monitoring system and establish an inclusive horizon scanning system under the increasingly complex circumstances.
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