Abstract:The Paris Agreement becomes another legally binding document after the Kyoto Protocol under the global climate governance.In Post-Paris Age,INDC makes new demands on developing countries.Chinese first satellite for monitoring carbon launched in 2017,has played a role of a global CO2 monitoring.Carbon capture and storage technology is an effective method of carbon emission reduction,but the technology in China is still in primary level.In capture,transport and storage stage,there are risks such as underground resources destruction,carbon leakage.For better protecting the human rights in environment,we should study the supervision system of developed countries,formulate relevant laws and regulations in environmental risk assessment and technical detection standards,build technical supervision system in China
杨博文. 后巴黎时代中国碳捕获与封存技术风险的监管进路[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2017(12): 66-71.
Yang Bowen. Regulation of Chinese Carbon Capture and Storage Technology Risk in Post-Paris Age. , 2017(12): 66-71.
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