Abstract:For the strategic goal of manufacturing power in China 2025,this research aims to explore the impact of customer orientation on service innovation performance in manufacturing enterprises.The paper is based on a literature review,and uses 101 enterprises' 329 valid questionnaires to test the conceptual model.The results show that:There is a significant positive correlation between the two dimensions of customer orientation(direct customer oriented and customer oriented indirect) and service innovation performance;Knowledge creation plays a partial mediating role between customer orientation and service innovation performance;The level of supplier collaboration and technical ability can strengthen the positive correlation between customer orientation and service innovation performance.The results show that knowledge creation,supplier collaboration and technical capability can explain the impact of customer orientation on service innovation performance.
徐建中,付静雯. 中国制造2025视角:制造企业客户导向对服务创新绩效的影响[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2018(2): 62-70.
Xu Jianzhong,Fu Jingwen. Made in China 2025:Influence of Customer Orientation on Service Innovation Performance. , 2018(2): 62-70.
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