Abstract:As a new interdiscipline,the transnational migration of academic staff has attracted more and more attention from the academia and management layer.It raises that the study of transnational migration of academic researchers is gradually evolving from the individual attributes to the network relationship by reviewing literatures of evolution of transnational migration of academic staff from the individual decision-making to the national-circulation,the“push-pull”dynamic mechanism,knowledge and social network effect and characteristics of immigrants and return migrants.Attention should be paid to these weakness spots in the following studies:empirical research on the“network”,the researches in institutional level and concerns on “relationship” factors.
孙玉涛,国容毓. 学术人员跨国迁移研究评述:从个体属性向网络关系演进[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2018(2): 154-162.
Sun Yutao,Guo Rongyu. A Review on Transnational Migration of Academic Staff:Shifting from the Individual Attributes to the Network Relationship. , 2018(2): 154-162.
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