Decoupling Relationship Between Human Well-being and Natural Consumption and Its Influence Factors in China's Regions
Li Huihua1, Yuan Jianhong2,3, Feng Jifang2,3
1.Dongwu School of Business,Soochow University,Suzhou 215012,China; 2.School of Marxism,Southeast University,Nanjing 211189,China; 3.Institute of Socialism Development with Chinese Characteristics,Southeast University,Nanjing 211189,China
Abstract:The realization of decoupling between human well-being level and natural consumption is fundamental to the sustainable development of Chinese society and economy.On the basis of the decoupling model of Tapio,this paper analyzes the decoupling relationship between human well-being and natural consumption for 31 regions in China,and then investigates its influence factors.The finding shows that during the Tenth Five-Year-Plan,15 regions have the state of strong decoupling,while the remaining 16 regions have positive growth speeds of natural consumption,in which 9 regions' growth speeds of natural consumption are larger than that of their human well-being.During the Eleventh Five-Year-Plan,25 regions have the state of strong decoupling,while the remaining 6 regions have positive growth speed of natural consumption,in which one region's growth speed of natural consumption is larger than that of its human well-being.During the Twelfth Five-Year-Plan,28 regions have the state of strong decoupling,while the remaining three regions have positive growth speeds of natural consumption,where two regions' growth speeds of natural consumption are larger than that of their human well-being.In the relationship between regional human welfare and natural consumption in China,technological effects play a driving role,while service effects play an inhibitory role.
李慧华, 袁健红, 冯吉芳. 中国区域人类福利与自然消耗脱钩关系及其影响因素研究[J]. 中国科技论坛, 2018(3): 135-142.
Li Huihua, Yuan Jianhong, Feng Jifang. Decoupling Relationship Between Human Well-being and Natural Consumption and Its Influence Factors in China's Regions. , 2018(3): 135-142.
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